Would you like a handcrafted, custom CD made just for you? I will make you one! Plus I will include a signed picture and mail it myself! Only $10 + .75 for shipping! Order now! Orders are shipped on Tuesdays and Thursdays I accept: PayPal, cash, money orders, and personal checks ~mail me
FINNEY, Michael Dean "Rick"Was born in Nashville, TN June 8th, 1946, and died there on September 29th, 2009. He was preceded in death by his parents, Mildred and Sol Schulman, and beloved mother-in-law, Peggy "Me-Mama" Whitworth. Rick is survived by his wife, Eleanor Whitworth Finney; son, David Charles Whitworth; birth mother, Velma Dean Finney; father-in-law, Charles Bosley Whitworth, Jr.; brother-in-law, Charles Bosley Whitworth III, and his… Continue
We want to give you all an update as to what is happening with her life and her music.
We just found out before Christmas that Baby #2 is on the way! We are all very excited about this news and Allison is so looking forward to it.
Her music will always be a part of her. But with all that is happening right now we have all decided to put it on hold for the time being. With great regret some of her sites will be shut down.… Continue
You can help sponsor my 2010/2011 tour by becoming a Believer and buying parts at $10 each! This $10 investment will get you instant downloads of my music, a physical CD of my next album when I reach my goal, and Meet-n-Greet passes when I play in your area! So in a sense, it's like pre-ordering a CD and getting cool bonuses!
See link for details
How do we even begin to say thank you for all that you have done. We live our lives on the selfish acts you preform. You have suffered the lose of many a friend and you put yourself on the line so that we may say "Freedom Lives". And at this time of the year when we celebrate the Holidays, you continue to stand at the ready in harms way to protect that which we most often take for granted, our Freedom. For all that you do and all that you have done the words thank you just doesn't seem… Continue
I have uploaded a new song. It is called Jenna's Journey. It is in memory of a beautiful seventeen year old girl who passed away this past September. She had been battling a painful type of cancer since she was 15. If you have facebook, you can read her mom and dads journal entries for the past two years. The group is called Jenna's Journey.
-Jodi Ann…
This Friday I will be on the Aiiradio show! I am being interviewed and the new CD is being promoted! It will be live via the Internet so no matter where in the world you are, you can join in! I will also be in the radio's chat room!
:) Thank you for your love and continuous support and belief in my music! Click the link for more info! DJ Yorkie's…Continue
Added by Jodi Ann on September 20, 2009 at 9:30pm —
No Comments
What are you doing??? Will you join me in the AiiRadio chat room??
Here is the message I just received:
Sept 13, 2009 11:24 AM
Jodi!!! Congratulations as your song Wheels has been nominated and will be put to the test on todays show. It is lined up with another 14 songs and the chat room will vote for it to see if it will get into the chart run off or not. The competition is steep but I think this song in particular is your best yet and has a very strong chance. If… Continue